Saturday, December 16, 2017

More than 700 employees have left the EPA since Scott Pruitt took over.

Courtesy of Think Progress: 

Since Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt took over the top job at the agency in March, more than 700 employees have either retired, taken voluntary buyouts, or quit, signaling the second-highest exodus of employees from the agency in nearly a decade. 

According to agency documents and federal employment statistics, 770 EPA employees departed the agency between April and December, leaving employment levels close to Reagan-era levels of staffing. According to the EPA’s contingency shutdown plan for December, the agency currently has 14,449 employees on board — a marked change from the April contingency plan, which showed a staff of 15,219. 

“There has been a drop of employees of 770 between April and December. While several hundred of those are buyouts, the rest of those are either people that are retiring or quitting in disgust,” Kyla Bennett, director of New England Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), told ThinkProgress. “Is that number higher than it would normally be? I think it is.”

I imagine the number of exiting employees will only continue to grow. 

After all how many employees do you need at the Environmental Protection Agency if they have no intention of protecting the environment?

President Obama put a lot of effort into plans to protect this planet, so of course Donald Trump's focus is on undoing everything that he tried to accomplish even if it means the death of every creature in existence.


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I will NEVER understand how supposedly god-loving people think that we should not be good stewards of the planet created for them. Makes no sense at all.

    1. Leland8:21 AM

      6:54, if you want an answer to that, be prepared to ask one of them AFTER you sit down. The answer will astound you with it's total lack of logic and extremely convoluted thought. And I use the word "thought" loosely.

      It will rank right up there with their main argument against the reality of the fossils. You know that one, right? They say the rocks the fossils were found in would have crushed the animals when they were buried, thus destroying they actual evidence.

      And if you want a REAL headache, try to explain to them that vast majority - if not ALL - of the fossils - were found in sedimentary rock, which was essentially mud when the animal was buried.

      Just make sure your favorite headache medicine is right at hand when you ask.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      And they will say "Noah's flood." FINE. Still doesn't explain how they think that they have the right to destroy every last living thing because ME.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      OT? 7 $in$

    4. Anonymous10:18 AM

      @9:32 Not so fast...

    5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    6. Anonymous10:30 AM

      FB>"Why is the nation’s Center for Disease Control such a political target by Right-Wing Republicans?
      Recall several years ago, the gun-lobby per$uaded Congress to literally ban the CDC from keeping statistics on gun-related accidents and deaths.
      Then the Republicans blocked a CDC report showing the increase in female childbirth-related health problems with the decline of availability of safe abortion services.
      Now the Trump Administration is banning words from being used in CDC documents.
      Here is what I think: The Right-Wing of the Republican Party is, itself, a Disease; it’s attacks on the CDC is self-preservation.
      The Disease of the Right presents as a phobic aversion to facts. Eventually this inphobic (information + phobia) behavior produces a social toxemia that builds a cancerous cellular defense against science and contradictory data.
      So naturally the disease-ridden Right presides over a machinery to protect its dystrophy.
      Like the Baron Harkonnaen’s pustule-ridden character invented by David Lynch for his 1984 version of Dune, the Right-Wing in America carefully cultivates and attends to the preservation of its own rotting condition.
      In 2018 we must cut the diseased cells out of House of Congress and replace them with fresh, healthy Representatives who respect fact-based policy.
      With a change in Congress, real checks and balances over Baron Harkonnaen himself and attempts like this to insert ideology into the CDC’s reports will be beaten back.
      It is too much to hope for a turnover in the Senate as well, but control of the House next year will be an important and therapeutic step toward controlling this disease."

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    ~IT~is ABORTION, LABOR unions, & the LAND man...

    “It was the morality of altruism that undercut America and is now destroying her.

    “Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society. Today, the conflict has reached its ultimate climax; the choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequence of freedom… or the primordial morality of altruism with its consequences of slavery, etc.

    “To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men."

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      "But the final tax legislation contains a brand-new provision that wasn’t included in the House or Senate bills. It benefits real estate developers like President Donald Trump and his family. The provision was first highlighted by the International Business Times.

      The Republican tax legislation always provided a tax break for “pass-through” corporations, which is a type of corporation where the income is passed to the owners who pay personal income taxes on the money. The rationale for providing tax benefits to this kind of corporation, Republicans say, is that this is how many small businesses are set up."
      " you had to at least demonstrate that you were a real business employing people to receive this benefit.

      The final legislation, however, includes a new way to qualify for this valuable deduction. You can qualify by paying wages or through owning property. This would benefit people who own businesses with large real estate holdings but few actual employees — a category that includes many businesses still owned by President Trump."
      "Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) would also personally benefit from the new provision. Corker opposed the Senate version of the bill, citing deficit concerns, but announced his support for the final tax legislation, even though it has the exact same deficit impact."
      "The real estate industry ended up with an even more generous depreciation timetable, allowing owners to shelter more income."

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      "The Alaska political corruption probe refers to a 2003 to 2010 widespread investigation by the Public Integrity Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Internal Revenue Service into political corruption of nine then-current or former Alaskan state lawmakers, as well as Republican US Representative Don Young and then-US Senator, Republican Ted Stevens. Sometimes referred to as "The Corrupt Bastard's Club" or the "Operation Polar Pen", the investigation focused on the oil industry, fisheries and for-profit prison industries."
      " a solitary reference in an
      obscure congressional document from 1974. In that record, a report on a congressional
      hearing that examined the possibility of amending the Constitution to protect UNBORN
      children, the number is listed as belonging to Right to Life, an anti-abortion group
      founded in 1969. Right to Life, which claimed to be America's first pro-life organization,
      provided an address in Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.
      Interestingly enough, one of the 12 founders of Right to Life was James Francis
      McIntyre, the Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles from 1948-70, who knew President
      Richard Nixon.""

      ~IT~s been a long timer in the making...

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Hard to believe that Don Young is actually still serving (and I use that word very loosely!). He is not regarded well by the folks he serves w/in D.C.

      Murkowski isn't much better! She's too close to Trump - is always the woman nearest him in photos. Literally makes me want to regurgitate! Vote her out of office next chance you get, Alaska!

    4. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Calculated Positioning ^^^Listen up people^^^
      always 'about the children' ~NOT!

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I think the media should completely stop covering Trump - that in itself would bring him down. He thrives on the coverage! All he does is spread hate, fear, lies, racism and rumors of war w/North Korea!

    President Obama and VP Biden taught us what REAL leaders are and do in supporting the American people and the country.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      I will never refer to him as "president" and wish they would refrain as well. He's no president.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      So agree!

  4. Anonymous10:33 AM

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    L.O. Telling ~IT>"Lawrence O'Donnell explains why Paul Ryan let it be known in the middle of the tax fight that he plans to retire in 2018, and why Marco Rubio is threatening a "no" vote on the GOP tax bill."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.